Monday, November 23, 2009

Gobble, Gobble

With Thanksgiving coming up VERY soon, we have been working on a few "turkey day" activities...

Hand-print Turkey Painting
We actually started on a hand-print turkey earlier that morning, using brown for the body and four different colors for each of her fingers (I tried it with Little Tiny too and that was a hilarious experience). After stamping the girls' hands on a paper plate to make their turkeys, I let Little Bear play around with the leftover paint and a piece of paper. As I was washing my hands, I looked over to see her painting her own hand to make another hand-print turkey. Her finished product actually turned out pretty good...she is so creative :)

Brown bag Teepee
We've been reading a couple of books about the Pilgrims and Indians and I wanted to show Little Bear what type of "house" the Indians lived in. First, we did an internet search and found several images (real and drawn) of a teepee. She was very excited to make her very own teepee. We used this pattern, which I traced onto a brown bag and cut out for her. She decorated it with all sorts of different shape stickers (to mimic the tribal designs) and colored with markers. We taped three straws to the inside, cut out a doorway, and taped it closed.

The finished teepee:

Feeding the Turkeys
I found this adorable turkey math mat on the Making Learning Fun website. Little Bear rolled a die, identified the number of dots, and put the corresponding number of "Indian corn" on the turkeys. She kept rolling until she fed them all. This was great practice for one to one matching and counting, although she did have quite a bit of trouble remembering to start counting with the next turkey in line...she wanted to feed the turkeys in random order (which I guess would have been just fine too). She thoroughly enjoyed this, probably due to the fact that she got to "snack" at the same time ;)

Turkey "Letter" Hunt
I also found this game on the Making Learning Fun site (wonderful place, I tell ya!). Little Bear (which is a great Native American sounding name, eh?) had to look at the capital letter by the Native American and "hunt" for the turkey that had the matching lowercase letter. She could then clip it with a clothespin (or paperclip, as she calls them). We have played this several times, just doing a few cards each time and she really enjoys it.

We are still working on finishing the hand-print turkeys we started last week, so pictures of those will hopefully come later. Here are a few other links to great Thanksgiving/turkey resources we have been checking out:
Turkey Emergent Reader, Color Words
Turkey Craft Ideas
Thanksgiving Coloring Pages
Thanksgiving/Turkey Songs and Poems
Thanksgiving Activities

We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving...I know our family sure has a lot to be thankful for and here's hoping all of you do as well! "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1


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About This Blog

We are a growing family who has faith in God's plans for us to educate our children at home. Our girls are 4 and 2 and our new little guy is 4 months. I have a Master's Degree in Education and taught kindergarten and first grade prior to becoming a stay at home mommy-teacher :) This blog is a glimpse of our "school" activities, beginning at the preschool level.

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