Saturday, October 3, 2009

This Week's Highlights

It seems like we've had a really busy week and I can't really remember ALL of the activities we did, but I'm going to try to sum it up:

*Monday: Pump It Up with friends, both girls had a blast. Little Bear ventured out and went through the inflatable obstacle course this time (with me following close behind) and went down the big slide *almost* by herself. Little Tiny went down the big slide with me and loved it :) Lots of physical activity on this day!

*Tuesday: Watched The Laurie Berkner Band DVD and played musical instruments and danced with Mommy. We ALL LOVE this DVD...even Daddy ;) The girls were really into playing with blocks too.

*Wednesday: Worked in "A's Story" coloring book and played a few file folder games. I forgot to take pictures, but I promise to post file folder game pics at some point! We played Alphabet Safari (the lowercase version) and of course Little Bear came up with her own rules and ways to play so I went along. She watched the LeapFrog Letter Factory DVD, another family favorite.

*Thursday: Field Trip to the grocery store (honestly one of my favorite places to take the girls, even if it is HARD work sometimes). We are very fortunate to have a grocery with a very friendly and helpful staff and I feel like I'm not only teaching the girls about the food we eat but also about good character. When they see me talking to *strangers* and using a lot of good manners (even when sometimes I don't feel like being nice ;) they are learning the CARING and CITIZENSHIP character traits. Yes, I even have a set of different colored t-shirts with each of the character traits on them from when I taught public school...go ahead, laugh, I do. Oh, I mustn't forget the girls fun evening with Daddy while I had a night out with good friends. They watched The Laurie Berkner Band DVD and played our REAL guitar. Wish I would have had a video camera set up!

*Friday: Seemed like our most productive "school" day, probably because I remembered to have my camera in reach so I actually captured most of what we did. Everyone is probably tired of reading my lengthy babble so I'll let the pictures do *most* of the talking. She also played with pattern blocks for a while, but I didn't get a good picture of that to share.

Q-tip Counting: I saw this on another wonderful blog (sorry I can't remember which one!). I took an ice cub tray meant for bottled water (a grocery store find) and used my label maker to make numbers 1-10. If you don't have a label maker you could just use the white sticky address labels or write them on. She has to place the correct number of q-tips in each slot. It took some assistance the first few times, but she has it down now! Afterwards, she made letters out of the q-tips, which was quite fun for her (this girl LOVES letters!)

Putting "runny glue" on the letter L to make this:

"L is for Leaves"
After gluing the L on the paper, she placed several foam leaf stickers around while we talked about the sound letter L makes and came up with many other L words. I think I remember finding the stickers at our local craft store...Hobbit Lobbit as we like to call it.

*Saturday: As I mentioned in this post, school time doesn't always have to be on certain days, time of day, or even at home. This morning, Daddy had to go in to work for a bit so the girls and I ventured to town to pick up some laminating from "Depot Office," as LB calls it. We grabbed a few other things for school and then headed over to the library. I think we checked out about 10 or 11 books about APPLES and Fall. I am so excited to begin our apple unit next week. We're a little behind schedule, but there are still apples for the pickin' at our local orchard and we can't wait to take a field trip there soon. After our errands, we headed over to visit the Great Grandparents for a bit. We had a nice little visit and hope to see them again soon!

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About This Blog

We are a growing family who has faith in God's plans for us to educate our children at home. Our girls are 4 and 2 and our new little guy is 4 months. I have a Master's Degree in Education and taught kindergarten and first grade prior to becoming a stay at home mommy-teacher :) This blog is a glimpse of our "school" activities, beginning at the preschool level.

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